Friday, November 16, 2012


国务院签证办公室最近宣布,由于来自中国大陆的投资移民申请大量增长,国务院可能要在20134月开始设立排期,等候签证配额。根据移民法规,一个国家的签证配额在每个移民项目上都是有限度的。每一个移民项目内,一个国家的总移民申请数不能超过该移民项目总申请数量的7%。投资移民项目每年有10,000 个签证配额,也就是说,按法律规定,中国大陆每年有700签证配额(不需要排期)。如果申请的数量多于签证配额,那么排期就可能设立。显然,去年来自中国大陆的申请远远超过700个,也没有设立排期,原因何在?因为投资移民的签证配额从来没有用完,所以中国大陆出生的申请人可以继续使用配额。

但是,由于来自中国大陆的申请大大超过了配额,为了确保其他国家的申请人的签证配额,必须对中国大陆的申请设定限制。按照今年的数据,移民局一共收到超过7000个投资移民申请,来自中国大陆的占接近80%。假设每年有4000个投资移民申请 (每个投资人平均带1.5个家庭成员申请投资移民,所以4000个移民申请可能用掉10, 000个投资移民的签证配额),来自中国大陆的申请占80%,只有20%,即1400个申请来自其他国家,中国大陆申请就有2600个。



It appears likely that a cut-off date will need to be established for the China Employment Fifth preference category at some point during second half of fiscal year 2013.  Such action would be delayed as long as possible, since while number use may be excessive over a 1 to 5 month period, it could average out to an acceptable level over a longer (e.g., 4 to 9 month) period.  This would be the first time a cut-off date has been established in this category, which is why readers are being provided with maximum amount of advance notice on the possibility.

The above projections for the Family and Employment categories are for what could happen during each of the next few months based on current applicant demand patterns.  The determination of the actual monthly cut-off dates is subject to fluctuations in applicant demand and a number of other variables which can change at any time.  Those categories with a “Current” projection will remain so for the foreseeable future, with the possible exception of the China Employment Fifth preference category mentioned above.

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